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Craft-Roasted Coffee

Single Origin: Guatemala Santa Rosa SHB (Medium Roast)

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Medium (Full City) Roast

Cup Characteristics: Our Santa Rosa Guatemalan has nice tasting notes of chocolate, caramel, nuts, and tropical fruit tasting. It also conveys bright acidity and a creamy body. It offers a sweet, clean, well balanced cup that can be enjoyed any time of day.
Available Grind Options: Whole Bean, Ground (Paper Filter, Metal Filter, French Press)

This Coffee's Story:

Santa Rosa SHB EP comes from the rich, volcanic soils of the Santa Rosa valleys, in the south-central region of Guatemala. The Central Highlands of the country are ideal for coffee cultivation, thanks to their high altitudes and rich soil derived from the surrounding volcanoes. The valley climates allow the coffee to mature slowly, which concentrates the sugars and contributes to the coffee beans' profiles. Coffees from the Santa Rosa region are typically balanced cups with dominant chocolate notes.

This coffee carries two quality classifications:

  • SHB (Strictly Hard Bean), which specifies that the coffee was grown at an altitude above 1,350 meters. This term is synonymous with SHG/Strictly High Grown and is a classification higher than HB.
  • EP (European Preparation), which specifies that the raw beans are all hand sorted to remove defective beans and foreign material.

Region:  Santa Rosa, Guatemala

Growing Altitude: 1,350 + masl

Cultivar: Bourbon, Caturra, and Pache

Processing Method:  Fully washed and sun-dried on patios


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